Windsor-Essex Drug Treatment Court
What is the Windsor-Essex Drug Treatment Court Program?
The Windsor-Essex Drug Treatment Court Program is the partnership between representatives of the justice and addiction treatment systems.
This type of program recognizes that there are people who commit crimes because they are addicted to illicit drugs and/or alcohol. A drug treatment court program believes that by providing treatment for the addiction, we can stop the ongoing cycle of harm including having a criminal record.
It is not easy to be a part of the drug treatment court program. It can take 12-18 months to complete the program. There are several rules that you have to follow. you will be in addiction treatment on a weekly basis.
You have to want to beat your addiction, that is why the program is voluntary.
If you are not able to complete the drug treatment court program, you will go through the regular court system for sentencing.
How can I qualify for this program?
You must meet the following criteria:
- Have an addiction to any of the following: Alcohol, Opioids, Cocaine, Crystal Meth; etc.
- Be an adult 18 years and over
- Not have a history of violence
You will not qualify if you are charged with:
- Violent crimes
- Trafficking for commercial gain
- Impaired driving crimes
- Rimes that place young people eat risk
- Residential break and enter
You will not qualify if you:
- Are serving conditional or intermittent sentences
You also may not qualify if you:
- Are a past graduate of the Windsor-Essex Drug Treatment Program
How to apply
- Talk to your lawyer or duty counsel
- Complete the application form with your lawyer/ duty counsel. You will be asked to sign a waiver to information can be shared with the drug treatment court team
- Submit the application to the Federal or Provincial Crown Attorney’s Office. The application will take at least 14- days to process.
- Your application will be reviewed by the Provincial or Federal Crown Attorney to see if you are eligible.
- If you are eligible to enter the program, then you will complete an assessment with the case managers, to ensure you are motivated to work on your addiction.
- Once the addiction assessment is completed, then the case managers will identify the best type of treatment for you. Residential treatment could be recommended.
What happens once I am in the program?
You will be required to:
- Attend appointments in court on a regular basis.
- Attend addiction treatment, both individual and group counselling on a weekly basis.
- Attend and complete all requirements of the Residential Treatment Program, if required.
- Be honest. Admit to any drug/alcohol use while in the treatment court program. You will be sanctioned for the drug use, however, you will have consequences applied from the court if you do not tell the truth about your drug use.
- Not have any further arrests and/or convictions.
*If you are not following the rules and treatment programs, you can be expelled from the program. This will result in your return to court for sentencing.